My Homemade Blood Mary Mix

My Homemade Blood Mary Mix

Here is my receipe for the Greatest Bloody Mary Mix.
Tips & Tricks at the bottom

12ish Ripe Roma Tomatoes  --these yeild 33.23oz (about 6 cups)
Sea Salt --use about 4 to 5 generous pinches

2 Tablespoons Oil --olive is fine, sundried tomato oil is amazing
1 small Onion --white or red
Sea Salt --use 1 pinch

3 pinches of Scorpion Salt --this is the Secret (not affiliate link)
2 cloves Garlic --omit if you're Dracula

Knife & Cutting Board
Large Bowl for Tomatoes & Final Mix
Spoon for Stirring & Cooking everything
Sauce Pan
Hand Blender (opinion; don't worry if you don't have it)
Fine Mesh Sieve (hand strainer)
Storage Container (I used a jar with lid)

1. Dice up all tomatoes. Place all pieces in a large bowl & Generously salt tomatoes; Mix to combine & Set aside

2. Dice up onion; Set aside

3. Peel garlic and coursely chop; Set Aside

I used this bowl to Salt Tomatoes & for Final Mix

1. In a sace pan, heat oil on medium heat; put onion in with 1 pinch of sea salt; stirring until onions are cooked down & translucent; add 3 pinchs of Scorpion Salt & cook down with the oil & onion; add garlic and cook until fragrant (30 secs)

2. Add tomatoes (& juices) to pot; stir constantly while using the spoon to mash tomatoes (the tomatoes will start to turn into liquid)

3. Cook on low until the tomatoes are mostly liquid & tomatoe skins are naturally comming off the flesh; conuinute to mash with spoon

4. Once the tomatoes look sauce, use an immersion blender to blend sauce (Pulse 2 to 3 times); if no blender avaible keep cooking and mushing till 95% of tomatoes are cooked & liquefied

5. Take off heat. In batches use a Sieve to stain the mixture into a large bowl (I used the same bowl that the totmatoes were in). Once all the liquid is pushed through, discard all the soilds & scrap the backside of the strainer.

Make sure to use the edge of the bowl to scrap the backside of the strainer

6. Place in container (I used a jar) & Chill mix

This is my go to Bloody Mary Mix. It's a thinner style.
My perfect ratio is 5oz Bloody Mary to 2oz Frozen Vodka of choice.

Tips & Tricks:

Reasons for All The Salt:

Why salt the tomateos?
By salting the tomatoes you are doing two very import things:

 1. Flavoring the tomoteos
 2. Drawing all of the water out of the tomoteos

I love the taste of tomatoes. Always have. Most Bloody Mary mixes (to me) taste like other things with a side of tomatoes. This mix, taste like pure tomatoes, with a side of savory garlic & onion, and kick of spice at the end.

Why salt the onions?
Same reasons stated above. Using the salt draws out all of the moisture and allows the onions to almost carmelize in the cooking process.

Why Scropion Salt?
I'm obsessed with different kinds of salt. Gone are the days of just having Table, Kosher, & Sea salt.
Bitterman Salt Co. is my favorite place to gourmet salts. You can buy their products at The Meadow.

Scropion salt is made from the hottest pepper in the world. And it's amazing. Cooking it down in the oil will take out some of the heat.

On a Scale of 1-5, 5 being the hottest, here's my rating:

6.5-- RAW Uncooked Scropion salt Mixed in
4.5-4-- Cooked down Scropion Salt
1.-- No Scropion Salt

After a week, the Bloody Mary mix become more mellow. I expected it to be more spicy but that wasn't the case.

What if I can't get Scropion Salt?
Not A Problem!

Once the mixture is chilled, experiment with your favorite liquid hot sauce. Some recommendations:

 1. Cholula Hot Sauce
 2. Tapatío Hot Sauce
 3. Tabasco Hot Sauce

Start small and just slowly add to your desire spice level.
Also, comepletely leave out & customize per cocktail

The first time I made this, the tomtatoes I had were on their way out. The skin had wrinkled in some spots but the flesh was still firm.

I recommend using tomtatoes that 'need to get eaten' or buy them in advance & give the tomtatoes time ripen even more.

If you try this out, or have anymore questions, feel free to reach out!
@MrsCourtneyWard on Twitter, Insta, TikTok, & LinkedIn