Services from MrsCourtneyWard

One of my core values is being transparent. I want to give you as much information as I can so you can make a confident decision in hiring me.

Discovery Call:

This is where we get to know each other! I want to know who you are, what you do, and what you want to accomplish. Discovery Calls last about 45 minutes, at no charge.

Every business is unique and I treat them as such. The goal of the discovery call is to understand the scope of the project. Some things we will discuss are:
• How Many Scripts   • How Long the Video Should Be   • Ultimate Goals

After the phone call, I will draft a contract. It will list everything we talked about, estimated time per project, and any other notes from our call.

Writing Process:

I'll send the contract to you for signing.  My rate is $100 per hour and I require a 50% deposit to begin my work.  My time includes any & all research, the actual writing process, and time I need to edit.  

Once the contract is signed and the deposit is received, we get to work!

We get on another call and this is where we get into the details. Things I'm going to need from you are:
• Customer Avatar    • Marketing Style   • Overall vibes

What makes me different than many script-writers is my marketing knowledge. The scripts I write balance between personalize and client relations.
The script(s) will be written in 'block-format' for easy reciting.


When the script(s) are finished, we'll hop on a call to do a 'read-through.' I have you read the script out loud so you can get used to being on camera.

What we're looking for and adjusting are:
• Tone   • Word Choices   • Structure

I will take the notes, make the final edits, & once I receive final payment, the scripts are yours!


You're now ready to go film your content! Whether you film it yourself or you hire a production team, you'll have complete ownership of the final script.
My only request is that I'm credited for the work I do.

Follow Me: Twitter | Instagram | LinkedIn | TikTok

FAQs: Because we all got'em...

• "Can't I just have ChatGPT write my scripts?"
You can aboulatly have AI software create your scripts for you...they just won't be current, creative, or in your voice.

"Can't you film my content?"
As much as I would love to be completely involve in the whole process, filming & editing are not my strong suit. I admire those in Production & Post-Production, they have an eye for the visual aspect of filming.

"What if I have scripts already?"
Not a problem! That would fall under 'script-editing' which I also offer. We can go over the details in our Discovery Call.

• What is 'block-style' ?
Block-style scipt are written to be spoken word-for-word. This is differnet from the Hollywood Standerd style which includes scene headings, character names, transitions, etc.

"Do you include a shot-list?"
The quick answer is, no. My job as the writer to give you the language and confidence to be in-front of the camera.
The A & B Roll, editing, transitions, etc. should all come from the production team.
If you are completely on your own, we can absolutely talk through the filming process to give you a direction and inspiration for your video. But it will be up to you to film and edit your videos.